Energy-saving tips for hotels curated by one of the leading electrical equipment manufacturers

From heating and cooling the guest rooms to powering the on-site restaurants and amenities, energy use is a major expense for hotels. As a result, there is a growing trend for hotels to focus on energy efficiency to reduce costs. By implementing energy-saving measures, hotels can significantly lower their energy bills. In addition, energy-efficient practices can also help the hotels reduce their environmental footprint. If you are looking for energy-saving tips for hotels, check this read. As one of the reputed electrical equipment manufacturers, we share with you a list of useful energy-saving tips for hotels.


  • Install LED bulbs as they are more energy-efficient than fluorescent and incandescent bulbs. LED bulbs can last 25 times longer than ordinary incandescent bulbs. You can witness savings in your energy bills with LED upgrades.Here is a useful read on why LED lighting solutions are better than incandescent bulbs or CFLs.

  • Timers can be used to automatically turn off lights, air conditioners, and other electrical equipment or appliances when they are not needed. This can significantly reduce a hotel’s energy consumption and help to lower its operating costs.

  • Occupancy sensors can turn off the lights when the places are unoccupied and they turn on the lights when they detect any moving object or things. These are used ideally in hallways, large restrooms, and meeting rooms. They can also be used when there’s a need for dimming and scheduled lighting at night.

  • Use natural light with artificial light - it will reduce your lighting costs. You can implement different ways to bring natural light into hotel rooms such as —-

  • Installing bigger and larger windows

  • Installing skylights

  • Choosing lighter window treatments

  • Using mirrors to naturally reflect light across the room

  • Placing light-colored furniture in the rooms

  • Do not heat or cool low traffic areas and unoccupied rooms.

  • Thermostats should be set at a reasonable temperature for the season. In summers, do not set them too low when the air conditioning system is on.

  • Kitchen appliances should be turned off when they are not being used. Run dishwashers only when fully loaded. Refrigerators should not be placed in high temperature areas.

  • Hotel’s entrance door should be always closed to avoid air infiltration or loss of cooled air or hot air from indoors.

  • Encourage staff to incorporate energy-saving practices into daily routines. For instance, housekeepers can use natural light while cleaning rooms in the morning and turn off all the lights, fans and other appliances in case the room is unoccupied ( this is important for hotels that have not installed occupancy sensors). Apart from guiding the staff in energy-saving practices, take their suggestions on how energy-efficient practices can be implemented into daily operational activities affecting guest rooms, kitchens, front office and laundry.

  • Hotels can also engage with their guests and raise awareness about their energy saving policies. They can encourage the guests to adopt simple and sustainable actions such as window opening and switching lights. To do so, hotels can employ different communication methods such as placing leaflets and stickers in the rooms.

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